seed cycling 101

What sounds better than a natural and an effective way to support healthy hormones..? The naturopathic concept of Seed Cycling is just as it sounds; rotating the consumption of specific seeds which in turn, supports healthy hormone levels and a regular menstrual cycle. The practice of seed cycling is truly using “food as thy medicine” (thank you Hippocrates) as it utilises the nutrients found in seeds to naturally support the female body.

This functional yet effective method can be viewed as a daily nutritional practice for hormone balance, as consistency is key in order to reap the full benefits. 

Click the image to watch Alex and Ri chat about all things seed cycling!

Now you might be thinking, how the heck are seeds supposed to support my hormones? No doubt The Female Method community is very familiar with the phases of the menstrual cycle (follicular, ovulation, luteal and menstrual) but for simplicity, when it comes to seed cycling, we break it into two phases:

Follicular Phase = day 1 of menstruation** to ovulation

Luteal Phase = ovulation to menstruation

**Please note that menstruation is only included in the follicular phase here as the hormonal patterns are very similar, and it is therefore easier when breaking the cycle down into two phases. Otherwise we still count F1, O2, L3, M4, as the normal 4 phases.**

…so, what to consume and when?

Follicular Phase = consume GROUND FLAX + PUMPKIN SEEDS*


You can consume either:

For example, in your follicular phase you would consume 1 TBSP of ground pumpkin seeds and 1 TBSP of ground flax seeds a day OR 2 TBSP of the blend. Simple!

*when available, it’s recommended to consume organic seeds to lessen the exposure of harmful chemicals that can wreak havoc on hormones

why ground seeds?

It is recommended to consume ground seeds versus whole because ground seeds are much easier on the digestive tract and also make for quicker nutritional absorption. Not to mention, sometimes when we consume whole seeds such as flax, seeds stay shelled meaning they pass right through and we don’t get the nutrients from the seeds at all!

the magic of phased seeds…

Flax seeds are a nutritional POWERHOUSE! They are loaded with fibre, which from a hormonal standpoint, helps keep us regular. If we are not properly eliminating on a regular basis, this can cause excess hormone levels and toxins to build up, leading to imbalances. Flax seeds are also considered phytoestrogens or little plant-based compounds that help block excess oestrogen production. 

Pumpkin seeds are a great source of magnesium, which helps the body on many fronts. Magnesium helps us get restful sleep, supports a good mood, and assists with muscle function and recovery. Pumpkin seeds are also rich in zinc which has been shown to reduce muscle cramping - I’ll take it! 

Sesame seeds not only taste amazing, they are rich in selenium which helps the liver detox excess hormones. Sesame seeds are high in Vitamin E - which besides skin health, Vitamin E is super supportive of progesterone production. 

Sunflower seeds are high in omega 6s, which also help with progesterone production and assist in alleviating PMS symptoms. Woohoo! Sunflower seeds contain Vitamin B which supports our energy levels and are another great source of selenium, which can help increase blood flow (this is especially important for those that encounter irregular menses or no menstruation at all).

All-in-all, these seed combinations are reinforcing those naturally occurring changes throughout each phase of the menstrual cycle and providing natural support.

what are the benefits of this practice?

  • Easier & better menstrual cycles – not just better periods!

  • Helps balance your hormone levels

  • Combats and alleviates PMS symptoms, including: 

    • Bloating

    • Cramping

    • Gas

    • Mood

    • Irritability

    • Fatigue

    • Headaches / migraines

    • Hormonal acne

    • Insomnia

  • Creates stability and regularity around the menstrual cycle

  • Supports fertility health

  • Stimulates menstruation (if you suffer from amenorrhea)

  • Great source of vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, and fibre

  • Can add support in healing more serious conditions such as ovarian cysts, PCOS, and endometriosis

  • Creates a sense of awareness around your own unique cycle and creates a deeper connection and communication with your body

how to implement seed cycling…

So many ways, so many choices! First and foremost, I always advise to pair with the lifestyle and eating habits that best suit you. Get creative…!

Use as a topping for…

  • Oatmeal*

  • Smoothies / smoothie bowls

  • Cereal

  • Hummus

  • Guacamole

  • Salads

  • Cooked veggies*

  • Scrambled eggs*

Mix into…

  • Dressings

  • Yogurt

  • Nut butter 

  • Spreads

Some of my all time favourite ways to incorporate seeds include…

  • With peanut butter and jelly! Such a nostalgic sandwich :) 

  • On baked sweet potatoes*, drizzled with nut butter and cinnamon

  • Top your tacos

  • In homemade protein balls!

*when putting ground seeds onto hot meals, make sure it has cooled off prior to topping with seeds as heat (and light) compromise the quality of the seeds. 

And finally…store your seeds / blends somewhere cool and dark. I store mine in the refrigerator! That way they're stored in a cool, dark place but also because I’m popping into my fridge everyday, as most of us are, it’s a great daily reminder to stay consistent with your seed consumption. You can also store them in the freezer. 

This article was written by Alex, the creator and resident seed maestro over at Replenished Roots. She envisioned a sacred space where women and those who menstruate, could come to learn, grow, connect and develop relationships not only with others, but more importantly, with themselves.

The Seed Cycling Blend was organically woven into these plans after months of trying out the practice for herself and actually seeing (and feeling) results. Being elated with the sustainable and effective results while simultaneously feeling a strong, rooted connection with nature, she knew she needed to share this with the menstruating community. 

Feel free to reach out via social with any questions you have and head to the link in her bio where you can download a FREE Seed Cycling worksheet.

Replenished Roots

Alex is the founder and seed maestro behind Replenished Roots; a company that provides organic and pre-ground seed cycling blends that naturally support menstruating bodies and their cycles.



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